Things to know about Narsapuram 534275

Things to know about Narsapuram 534275

Narsapur or Narsapuram has a quite interesting story attached to it. Narsapuram is located in the West Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh. The existence of Narsapuram is from 1100 AD. In 1626 Dutch people landed in Narsapuram and it was used as a port by Dutch people. It was famous for its ship buildings at that time and some Europeans were also the customers for this place for ship buildings. In the 16th century, portuguese established a factory which made this an important trade area for a few years.

Narsapuram port is famous for shipping teak, long clothes, and shipbuilding at that time. Gradually shipping of products declined after the company’s abolition and there was no port as of now, but still making small boats…

Narsapur is located on the right bank of Vasista Godavari River. The River Godavari connects to the Bay of Bengal near Antarvedi, 9.6 km from Narsapur, and on the other side, it has the Bay of Bengal which is named as Perupalem Beach.


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